Thursday, May 19, 2022

Create a space....


           Creating a space that you can appreciate your pets and plants in one place is relaxing and keeps maintenace easier.  If possible use grow lights of any type to enhance the plant growth and to add lighting on your subjects.

           These settings are most enjoyable during the short hr of daylight during the winter months, but can be rewarding any time of the year.

Saturday, May 7, 2022


                                                                                                                                                                                      Viola is a genus of flowering plants in the violet family Violaceae. It is the largest genus in the family, containing between 525 and 600 species. Most species are found in the temperate Northern Hemisphere; however, some are also found in widely divergent areas such as Hawaii 
       Propagating African Violets from leaves
  1. Choose a Leaf. Look for a leaf that is healthy and fresh, but has been established on the plant. ...
  2. Cut Leaf Petiole. Trim the petiole (the stem) to about ½ to 1 inch in length for best results. ...
  3. Plant your Cutting. ...
  4. Give it Sunshine. ...
  5. Plantlets Sprout.

Thanks for looking

Common Houseplant Pests and How to Deal With Them

Houseplants are a wonderful way to bring nature indoors, but they aren’t immune to pests. Even with proper care, certain critters may find t...