Sunday, March 20, 2022

Garter Snakes

   Garter Snakes can be found in the wild and are often bought in pet shops to keep as pets. 
    Garter Snakes are easy to care for, handling comes with time. Garter Snakes excrete musk when disturbed or frightened.
     A fish tank is a good habitat to house your snake, 10 gallon is sufficient. Set the tank to look like what the snake would be found in in the wild. Rocks, leaves, grass or soft substrate can be used as medium. Provide water in a bowl, which small fish can be put in as food for your pet. Change the water as needed. 
      Since snakes are cold blooded they will need sufficient heat from a lamp on top of a screened cover. Provide the light during daylight hrs. for a 12 on 12 off cycle. 
     I have had good luck feeding garden worms in a shallow pan of soft topsoil. The snakes get conditioned to eat that way and will readily come at feeding time. 


           When the weather warms up, so do reptiles. These are the same two I posted earlier. I never suggest keeping a wild animal as a pet.These pics are a representation of garter snake information. 

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