Sunday, March 20, 2022


 There are may types and sizes of Parrots. Yellow Napped is one type of parrott 

    A Yellow Napped Amazon is one type. 
    This is Ned he may become ours. He is 30 or so yrs old. Parrots live as much as 75 yr. if given good living conditions and good care. 
     Parrots require a variety of food, from formulated pellet food, seed mixtures, fresh vegetables and of course a little of what your having because they will ask.
     Parrot needs vary from specie to specie. Some need more calcium and others less. All animals require a light cycle, in order to rest. 
    The cage should be centrally located in your home so it doesn't feel lonely. If they are they will let you know. 
     Always try and keep your bird in as big a cage as possible, to give it room to stretch. Some birds can be let out at liberty, witch requires a whole other category, Safety.
    If you let your parrot out, clipped flight feathers are best. If you dont know how have a professional do it. It's less expensive than losing your pet.

     I will add other Parrots Pics and information in another post.

    This is baby, she is a 30 yr or so Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. We adopted her. She is tame and likes being around people. She gets a variety of foods as well as some table fare. Parrots or any pet should never be given Alcohol of any type ever.  


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