Sunday, March 20, 2022


 There are may types and sizes of Parrots. Yellow Napped is one type of parrott 

    A Yellow Napped Amazon is one type. 
    This is Ned he may become ours. He is 30 or so yrs old. Parrots live as much as 75 yr. if given good living conditions and good care. 
     Parrots require a variety of food, from formulated pellet food, seed mixtures, fresh vegetables and of course a little of what your having because they will ask.
     Parrot needs vary from specie to specie. Some need more calcium and others less. All animals require a light cycle, in order to rest. 
    The cage should be centrally located in your home so it doesn't feel lonely. If they are they will let you know. 
     Always try and keep your bird in as big a cage as possible, to give it room to stretch. Some birds can be let out at liberty, witch requires a whole other category, Safety.
    If you let your parrot out, clipped flight feathers are best. If you dont know how have a professional do it. It's less expensive than losing your pet.

     I will add other Parrots Pics and information in another post.

    This is baby, she is a 30 yr or so Lesser Sulphur Crested Cockatoo. We adopted her. She is tame and likes being around people. She gets a variety of foods as well as some table fare. Parrots or any pet should never be given Alcohol of any type ever.  


Garter Snakes

   Garter Snakes can be found in the wild and are often bought in pet shops to keep as pets. 
    Garter Snakes are easy to care for, handling comes with time. Garter Snakes excrete musk when disturbed or frightened.
     A fish tank is a good habitat to house your snake, 10 gallon is sufficient. Set the tank to look like what the snake would be found in in the wild. Rocks, leaves, grass or soft substrate can be used as medium. Provide water in a bowl, which small fish can be put in as food for your pet. Change the water as needed. 
      Since snakes are cold blooded they will need sufficient heat from a lamp on top of a screened cover. Provide the light during daylight hrs. for a 12 on 12 off cycle. 
     I have had good luck feeding garden worms in a shallow pan of soft topsoil. The snakes get conditioned to eat that way and will readily come at feeding time. 


           When the weather warms up, so do reptiles. These are the same two I posted earlier. I never suggest keeping a wild animal as a pet.These pics are a representation of garter snake information. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Orchids are some of the most commonly grown houseplants. Provided they have proper growing conditions, it isn’t difficult to learn how to take care of orchid plants. Keep reading to get some indoor orchid care tips.
  1. Potting. Your orchid should be planted in a pot that has plenty of drainage. ...
  2. Soil. Orchids should be planted in fast-draining soil. 
  3. Temperature. Orchids grow best in an environment that's 60-75 degrees Fahrenheit (16 to 24 degrees Celsius).
  4. Avoid Overwater




White is among the many colors that Orchids come.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Green Anoles

Anoles require a temperature gradiant(cool bottom/warm top)to properly regulate thier body temperature.Temperature should also vary between daytime and nightime hours. Equip the habitat with 2 thermometers (one high and one low) to measure temperatures and one hygrometer to measure humidity. Provide heat with a high wattage Basking Bulb placed directly above the basking spot, which should be the warmest spot in the habitat during the day.Turn the basking bulb off at night. Use a ceramic heat emmitter or nighttime heat bulb as needed to maintain nighttime temps. Create and maintain humidity by keeping the water dish full, misting your pet and habitat 2-3 times every day or by using.                                                         

 Anoles are Diurnal, meaning they are most active during the day. Provide a UVA/UVB flouresant bulb to give your Anole the UVB they need to absorb Calcium                                                                                                                           
 Anoles are insectivours, meaning their diet consists primarily of live insects. Crickets are Anoles primary food source but variety is important for a balanced diet, so alternate the types of insects you feed your pet.Insects should be no larger than half the size of their head. Insects can be dusted with Calcium 
twice a week and a reptile multivitamin once a week. Anoles should be fed during the day                                                                                                                           
  Anoles will drink from from a shallow bowl, as well as lick moisture from the surrounding habitat during misting.

Thanks for looking


                                              Image: P. Kreczkowski Dutchman’s breeches (Dicentra cucullaria) is a delicate spring wildflowe...