Sunday, November 19, 2023


Poinsettias are a popular holiday plant that is native to Mexico. The plant is known for its bright red and green leaves, which are often mistaken for flowers. In reality, the red "petals" are actually modified leaves called bracts, while the small yellow flowers are located in the center of the bracts.

Poinsettias have a long history of being associated with Christmas. According to legend, a poor Mexican girl named Pepita was sad because she had no gift to bring to the church on Christmas Eve. An angel appeared to her and told her to pick some weeds from the roadside and place them on the altar. When she did, the weeds miraculously turned into beautiful red and green flowers, which became known as poinsettias.

Today, poinsettias are a common decoration during the holiday season. They are often given as gifts or used to decorate homes and businesses. Poinsettias come in a variety of colors, including red, white, pink, and even purple. They are also available in different sizes, from small tabletop plants to large, bushy specimens that can reach several feet in height. With proper care, poinsettias can last for several weeks, making them a great addition to any holiday celebration.


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